About Project

Information in this regard will be made public in due course.

The subject of this project is the elaboration of a document entitled "The Management Plan For The UNESCO World Heritage Site Management Plan for the medieval urban complex of Toruń”, located within the area inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List on December 4th, 1997, along with the buffer zone, according to the information published on the website: http://whc.unesco.org/en/letter/835/.

The contractor for the public task has been selected through a public tender. It is a team of experts composed of: Katarzyna Piotrowska, PhD and Jacek Dąbrowski, MA. The Mayor of Toruń has signed a contract for a specific job with both of them.

The provisions of the Guidelines, which will be taken into account during the elaboration of the Management Plan, are quoted below.

The general principles of protection and conservation of World Heritage sites are set out in the Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention. The current version of the document was adopted by the World Heritage Committee in 2021. Committee, among others recommends that a World Heritage Site should have an effective management system to ensure that its Outstanding Universal Value , i.e. the set of elements and characteristics that justified its inscription on the World Heritage List, is preserved. The most important elements of this system are (acc.to Paragraph 111. of the Guidelines) the following:

  • a thorough shared understanding of the World Heritage property, its universal, national and local values and socio-ecological context by all stakeholders, including the local community and residents;


  • respecting diversity, equality, gender equality and human rights and using inclusive and participatory planning and stakeholder consultation processes;
  • cycle comprising planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and feedback;
  • assessing the vulnerability of the World Heritage property to social, economic, environmental and other pressures and changes, including disasters and climate change, and monitoring the impact of trends and proposed changes (including investments);
  • developing mechanisms for involvement and coordination of various activities among different partners and stakeholders;
  • allocation of necessary resources;
  • capacity building;
  • actual, transparent description of the functioning of the management system.

The major aim of the management plan being elaborated is to improve the existing system of managing the medieval town in Toruń.
